We have many opportunities for you to find a place where you can share your talents and interests in ways that help others. Below are the different ministries we have here at St. Aidan’s, grouped into five categories:
- Worship: supportive roles in our worship services
- Bible Study: learning how to hear and understand God’s Word
- Children and Youth: from infants up through high school
- Fellowship: forming relationships with each other
- Generally Helpful: service-based ministries to the church and the community
Worship Ministries

Altar Guild
This essential behind-the-scenes ministry is perfect for families or individuals and consists of tending the altar before and after services. For more information, contact Rev. Les Carpenter.

Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM)
Specially trained lay people who serve consecrated wine during the services. For more information, contact the Rev. Les Carpenter.

Lay Reader/Lector
Lay people who read the lessons for the service, and lead the congregation in reading the Psalm. For more information, contact the Rev. Les Carpenter.

Music Ministry
There are many ways to serve in Music Ministry from singing in the choir to playing in the Praise Band, to running the sound board in the back of the church. All talent and experience levels welcome. For more information, contact Rev.
Les Carpenter.

This friendly group of all ages welcomes people to church, hands out bulletins, helps answer any questions, and assists during the service with the offertory and presentation of the bread and wine. For more information, contact Rev.
Les Carpenter.
Bible Study Ministries

Have you been to Cursillo? Do you want to go to this life changing retreat or reunion group? For more information, contact the Rev. Les Carpenter.

Daughters of the King (DOK)
This group of women is specially trained and dedicated to prayer and service. The Jr. DOK is for ladies under the age of 21. For more information, contact Rev.
Les Carpenter.
Fellowship Ministries

All Church Events (ACE):
This committee is responsible for planning and organizing events for the entire church such as the Fall Festival, Christmas party, End of the Year party in May, and St. Aidan’s Day in September. For more information, contact Rev. Les Carpenter.

Community of Adults at St. Aidan’s (CASA)
This group is open to everyone and usually meets the 2nd Saturday of the month at the church for “Lame Date Night” or game night. Childcare is provided as well as a main dish. Please bring dessert, drinks, or a side dish/appetizer to share. This is a great way to meet other people in an informal setting. For more information, contact Rev.
Les Carpenter.

Men of St. Aidan’s (MenSA)
Fellowship of men at St. Aidan’s who get together for drinks, retreats, and help grill and cook for various church events. For more information, contact the Rev. Les Carpenter.

St. Aidan’s Seniors (SAS)
A friendly group of the community’s more “experienced” members, SAS gathers to share a meal and plan field trips that appeal to their generation. For more information, contact Rev. Les Carpenter.

Sisters of Strength (SOS)
More information to come!
Children and Youth Ministries

Children’s Chapel Leaders, Music Leaders, Shepherds
This group of loving lay people ensure that our PreK – 3rd graders are learning how to worship in an age-appropriate environment. The shepherds are there to assist the children, while the Leader and Music Leader guide the kids through a service very similar to what’s happening in “big church.” For more information, please contact Taylor Durr.

Sunday School Teachers
This rewarding ministry involves teaching our children about God’s love and grace. Training and materials are provided, and two teachers are scheduled each week for Pre-K – 3rd grade. For more information, contact Taylor Durr.

Youth Group Leaders
Work alongside our Director of Youth and Family Ministries, Taylor Durr, and get to know the amazing teens while forming a support system as they learn to make their way in the world. For more information, contact Taylor Durr.
Generally Helpful Ministries

This is a group of lay people who volunteer as chaplains at a hospital and visit the sick. For more information, contact the Rev. Les Carpenter.

Finance Committee
This group tends to the financial resources of our church under the direction of the vestry. For more information, contact the Rev. Les Carpenter.

Lay Eucharistic Visitor (LEV)
Specially trained lay people who take consecrated bread and wine out into the community to people who cannot come to church. For more information, contact the Rev. Les Carpenter.

Outreach Committee
This group decides how best to use our resources for the community in serving God and helping others. For more information, contact Rev. Les Carpenter.

St. Aidan’s Lawn Service Association (SALSA)
This essential group helps maintain the grounds by cutting grass, weeding, trimming, and other lawn services. For more information, contact Rev. Les Carpenter.

Stewardship Committee
This is a group that keeps the church centered on gratitude, God’s abundance, and promotes generosity in the congregation. For more information, contact the Rev. Les Carpenter.

This is an elected group of lay people who are responsible for prayerfully guiding the church. You can see the latest group members here.