The youth are not only our future, they are our present.
Our youth are within the age range of 6th grade – 12th grade. Youth at Saint Aidan’s are an active part of the parish and the congregation. They play a vital role in the life and ministry of the church.
Youth group is a place for them to safely ask questions that they may not ask elsewhere. It is also a place to make friends to keep you spiritually accountable. It is a place to have others to serve the community with. It is a place to study scripture, and it is a place to simply have fun with friends.
Youth Group
More info to come!
More info to come!
Online Resources
A great resource for intergenerational spiritual formation in these strange times is a program called This is NOT Sunday School. It is an online tool that has the lessons available 24/7. It includes many of the most famous stories in the Bible and provides a video teaching with downloadable readings and lessons. If you are interested in participating in this, please email Taylor Durr to register.